Grants and Special Projects

The immortal Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." This is a quote every teacher takes to heart when planning out the school year. Learning should inspire dreams and evoke creativity. Our teachers in Anderson Five spend a lot of effort - and often a great deal of their own money - building activities into the curriculum to do just that. But through generous corporate and private partnerships, some of the financial burden on teachers is reduced. Projects and new materials for our students to explore, experiment, and create which forge engaged, happy, and successful learners, are often thanks to corporations with foundations to support education. Teachers take the extra time to plan activities, write grants requesting funds to implement them, and then execute the plan. Our students benefit tremendously!

Please browse our Grants and Special Projects page links to see our students discovering and dreaming -- learning while having fun. If these pictures of students enjoying materials acquired through grants and fundraising inspire you to contribute to the learning and fun, visit the link below to see our current Donors Choose campaigns.